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Most South Korean men do service in the army for two years usually in their twenties. And after being discharged from the military duty, they must attend the reserve forces training 48 hours a year. The bunker used in the training is built with khaki sand bag walls to protect the soldiers from the enemy. Khaki is a symbolic color of military. The specific color and shape of the bunker, no doubt, demonstrate that the structure is of military use. In my work, I used rainbow-colored sand bags instead and thus deconstructed the symbolic meanings of the bunker and the military training in general. On the opening day of "Seoul Olympiad," 10 performers were in the reserve forces training, being instructed by a young instructor. The performers wore reserve forces uniforms but they were tied together to a long horizontal stick in their wrists and ankles. The training looked somewhat hilarious as they were tied and moved together. The reserve forces, commonly of unfavorable images, were engaged in the clownish training, walking all over the performance area. The general audience was naturally led to participate in the training during the performance.

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